Songpress for Linux
Unfortunately, on Linux it is not possible to copy formatted songs and paste them in other applications. You can, however, export formatted songs as images, and then import them in other applications. SVG, PNG and HTML formats are supported. SVG format is recommended.
Running from source
Please make sure you have the following dependencies installed:
- Python 3
- wxPython 4 (Phoenix) or greater
In order to install wxPython if you are on Manjaro, Arch Linux or other Arch derivatives, simply install package python-wxpython from official repositories. For other distributions, such as Ubuntu and derivatives, Debian, Fedora and CentOS, you can install binary wheels from wxPython website. Please consult wxPython documentation for more information.
Then, download Songpress source code, extract it, cd to the src directory and launch python3
Download Songpress 1.8.1 source code
What about Mac OS?
Ideally, the source version of Songpress should run on Mac OS, given that python and wxPython are installed on your system. However, I don’t own a Mac and I will never do, so I am not able to have a try. If anybody can, please let me know if it works.
Furthermore, anybody wishing to package Songpress into a Mac OS app is more than welcome.