Welcome to Luca Allulli's Home Page
Hi, and welcome to my home page. My name is Luca; I'm 46. I'm an Electrical Engineer, and I hold a PhD in Computer Engineering at the University of Rome "La Sapienza".
I am a researcher at Fondazione Ugo Bordoni; I also serve as a lecturer (professore a contratto) at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata", where I teach "Basi di dati e sistemi informativi", and at LUISS Guido Carli, where I teach "AI Literacy" and "Digital Skills Lab" (previously: "Introduction to Computer Programming", and "Satellite-Based Change Detection Methods").
Previously I worked for Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, the authority for public and private transport of Rome, in the field of Intelligent Transportation Systems, for Esri Italia, and as a consultant at Treccani.
I would like to turn this site into a playground for personal projects (software, etc.). You can also find information about my interests, and about my family's house in Campo di Giove, a gorgeous mountain village.
Some of the open source projects I am author of:
- Real-time Journey Planner for Rome: it finds the best route using public transport real-time data (from GPS bus tracking it determines traffic and bus waiting times) and historical data.
- Muoversi a Roma: the official platform (app, web, open data) for real-time information about public and private transport in the municipality of Rome.
- Songpress: a program to generate high-quality guitar songsheets.