Organizing your help project
Your help project consists of several pages. The pages must be organized in the table of contents (TOC) as a tree. Please note that every page must be located somewhere in the TOC (actually this restriction is imposed by web2help itself, not by the CHM format; we think it is a good restriction, but feel free to rant against it in our discussion group).
When you create a new project in web2help, you will see the root of your project tree: its label is Help. It is a virtual root: it won't appear in your CHM. Its children will.
To create a TOC element, right-click its parent (the root, for instance), select New, and enter the URL of a page.
You can rearrange your tree at any time. To reorder the children of a node, right-click a child and select Move Up or Move Down. To move a node, or a subtree, somewhere else, just drag the node or the root of the subtree and drop it on its new parent.
Similarly, you can delete a node or modify its URL by right-clicking it and selecting Delete or Edit, respectively.